Take the following points into consideration when submitting your work for publication:
- This Call for Papers introduces several Publication windows, including Conference Proceedings, indexed journals, and Monograph publication. It is crucial that you select ONLY ONE of these Publication opportunities. Submitting your work simultaneously to multiple publications can potentially result in copyright violations or disputes if the work is published in different places.
- To ensure that your paper is accepted and published successfully, it is important to carefully check the scope of each publication opportunity and select the ONE that best matches the theme of your paper.
- It is also essential that you strictly follow the submission guide for each publication opportunity. This will help ensure that your submission is complete, meets the required standards, and is assessed fairly according to the guidelines of the chosen publication opportunity.
Deadline 09 August 2024
Conference Proceedings
The Conference Proceedings will be published with an ISBN Number. To ensure the quality and validity of the proceedings, all full papers submitted for conference proceedings will undergo a double-blind review process. Upon acceptance, these papers will be published electronically in the proceedings with a unique DOI number. This ensures that each paper is assigned a persistent identifier that can be used for citation and tracking purposes.
To submit your paper for proceedings publication, prepare your paper according to the provided template. This will ensure that your submission adheres to the necessary formatting and style requirements, and is ready for the review process.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Publication
Important NOTES before Journal Submission:
- Carefully read the Scope of the selected journal before submission, otherwise your paper will be rejected without a review process.
- The decision of whether or not the submission can be included in the journal publication remains at the full discretion of the journal editors and is subject to the results of the double-blind peer review and the satisfactory completion of any revisions required.
- If your full paper has been published in the conference proceeding you are highly recommended to modify your paper and also inform the Journal Editor about the publication of a preliminary version of the work in the conference proceeding.
- If you select a journal with a Direct Submission Link, include a note to the Editorial Board with information about the conference and the Organizer.
Universal Journal of Agricultural Research
Universal Journal of Agricultural Research is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes original and high-quality research papers in all areas of agriculture . As an important academic exchange platform, scientists and researchers can know the most up-to-date academic trends and seek valuable primary sources for reference.
ISSN: 2332-2268 (Print)
ISSN: 2332-2284 (Online)
Journal Link:
Indexing/Abstracting: SCOPUS, CABI, EBSCO A-to-Z and other databases
Scopus index link:
Publication fee: 436 EUR
- The journal welcomes submission of full-length research articles, review articles, and critical analysis articles.
- Manuscripts submitted to this journal must be written in English.
- Papers accepted for publication vary from 5 to 20 pages in two-column format.
- The main text usually can be divided into separated sections, organized by Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion.
- Full name for all authors should be given; The names of multiple authors are separated by a comma; Provide the full affiliation for each author including academic affiliation (or postal address), city, postcode, country, Email(optional); If multiple authors have contributed to the article, details of the corresponding author should be clear. Email address is compulsory for the corresponding author.
- The abstract should be written as a continuous paragraph with 200-250 words and recapitulatively state the background of the research, purpose, methodologies, principal results, major conclusions and its contributions to the field. It should emphasize new or important aspects of the study.
- Include 3–8 keywords or short phrases for indexing.
- Every table must have a unique title placed at the top. Titles should be clear and concise, and they should not be complete sentences.
- Tables in the main body of the text should be numbered and cited consecutively according to their appearance in the text.
- Each figure should have a caption. The caption should be concise and typed separately, not on the figure area; If figures have parts (for example, A and B), make sure all parts are explained in the caption.
- All figures are to be sequentially numbered with Arabic numerals. Figures should always be cited in text in consecutive numerical order.
- The equation number should be placed in parentheses to the right of the equation. E.g. Hn+1(1/n+1, 1/n+1, …, 1/n+1) (1); Do not create equations as pictures. Use MathType or insert symbols as normal text.
- All sources cited in text must appear in the reference list and all items in the reference list must be cited in text.
- All references should be listed numerically in the order they’ve been cited within the paper. At the beginning of each reference, the bracketed number should be included.
Finally, please ensure read and adhere to the Author Guidelines.
European Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (EJEST)
European Journal of Engineering Science and Technology is an international journal of research in Engineering Science and Technology aims to provide a common platform to disseminate the original research work. EJEST is a peer-reviewed journal with a key objective to provide the academic and industrial group of people a medium for presenting original research and applications related to Engineering Science, Technology and Application. It is a completely online journal. The mission of this journal is to publish original contributions in its field in order to spread knowledge amongst its readers and to be a reference publication.
ISSN: 2538-9181
Journal Link:
Publication fee: No APC
Indexing/Abstracting: Index Copernicus, DRJI, ResearchBib, Scientific Indexing Services, Scientific Indexing Services, Scilit, CiteFactor, WCOSJ, and Google Scholar. EJEST has linked its papers to references by DOIs assigned by Crossref.
Submission Link:
Register in the following link and submit your paper on the Journal online Submission platform:
Manuscripts should be organized as follows:
- Title page: List title, authors, and affiliations as first page of manuscript
- Abstract: an abstract should summarize the key points of the manuscript in 150 to 250 words. An abstract is a short summary of a larger work for the purpose of condensing the argument, conclusions, and/or results into a paragraph. After the abstract, please supply up to five keywords or brief phrases.
- Manuscript should follow the style detailed in the APA publication manual.
- Introduction
- Materials and Methods
- Results
- Discussion
- Conclusions (optional)
- Acknowledgments (if applicable)
- References: This journal uses “APA” Reference style. Each listed reference should be cited in text, and each text citation should be listed in the references section.
- Supporting information captions (if applicable)
- Figure captions are inserted immediately after the first paragraph in which the figure is cited.
- Tables are inserted immediately after the first paragraph in which they are cited.
African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development (AJFAND)
The African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development (AJFAND) is a highly cited and prestigious peer reviewed journal with a global reputation, published in Kenya by the Africa Scholarly Science Communications Trust (ASSCAT). The internationally recognized publishing programme covers a wide range of scientific and development disciplines, including agriculture, food, nutrition, environmental management and sustainable development related information.
ISSN: 1684-5358
E-ISSN: 1684-5374
Journal Link:
Indexing/Abstracting: Scopus, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) , African Journals Online (AJOL) , Google Scholar , Food Science and Technology Abstracts
Scopus index link:
Publication fee: 660 EUR
(Journal submission follow Full refund Policy in case of rejection)
Title page: This page will have the title of the paper; which is brief, reflects the contents of the paper and relevant to AJFAND topics. This page will also have complete author(s) name(s) and institutional affiliation.
Abstract: An abstract of between 300-400 words must be included. For French speaking authors who may not wish to translate their entire paper into English, we require 2 abstracts- one in English and another in French. The paper can be in French. For Short communications and Letters to the editor, the abstract should be in prose form. Key words should be between 8 and 10 and added at the bottom of the abstract in reviews and original articles.
Main body: Word count should be between 3000 and 4000 words for original articles and reviews. Short communication word count should not exceed 1000 words, and Letters to the editor should not exceed 500 words. Original articles should present data and information from original research. Reviews must be critical analyses of the subjects reviewed, giving the current and balanced view of all the issues, for instance controversies. Reviews should be contributed by authorities and experts in their respective fields. The message carried in both reviews and original articles must be clear, succinct and of significance. Short communications should focus on any interesting findings/news an author wishes to convey to the readers of AJFAND.
The main body should have separate and clearly marked subtitles: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion (must be included), Acknowledgements (where necessary; include sponsor of the study) and References. Results and Discussion should be combined. Include any recommendations in the Conclusion.
Figures, Tables and Illustrations: Original articles should have a maximum of eight tables at the end of the text with the table heading/title above each table. Figures are within the text with the heading below the figure. Short communication and Letters to the editor should contain no more than one illustration.
Illustrations should be carefully chosen and only those that make a valid point in the construction of the article will be used. Half tone figures should be submitted as photographs/images
Symbols and numbering should be clear and large enough to remain legible after reduction to fit the width of a single column. Legends for illustrations should be presented separately and not as part of the illustration. Definitions of any abbreviations that appear on the figure should also be provided.
References: A maximum of 40 references is accepted for both review and original articles. Letters to the editor should contain no more than five references. In-text citation begins in the introduction section and references should be in chronological order (see published articles on AJFAND website,
The AJFAND requires use of the number system of referencing. All references, whether quoted directly, paraphrased ideas (Indirect quotation) or acknowledging information obtained from another writer or source, should be documented within the text by numbering [in square brackets]. Try as much as possible to put reference numbers, boxed [ ], at the end of the sentence.
For full information please visit the
Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Environment (JACEN)
The Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Environment (JACEN) is an official journal published quarterly in February, May, August and November. It has been launched by the Korean Society of Environmental Agriculture. JACEN publishes researches on all aspects dealing with chemical, biological, and physical processes affecting the environmental changes in agriculture. JACEN publishes original papers including but not limited to the following fields: Agricultural Bioresource Technology, Agricultural Chemistry, Agricultural Composting, Agricultural Environment, Agricultural Microbiology, Agrochemicals, Bioremediation, Crop Protection and Physiology, Soil Science, Soil-plant Relationships and Sustainable Agriculture.
SSN Print: 2325-7458
ISSN Online: 2325-744X
Journal Link:
Indexing/Abstracting: Google Scholar, CALIS, ChaoXing Periodicals, Chemical Abstracts Service(CAS), Cnplinker, COPAC, CQVIP, CrossRef, Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek(EZB), Infotrieve, i-Scholar, JournalSeek, JournalTOC, National Science and Technology Library(NSTL), Open Access Library, Open J-Gate, PUBDB DESY Publication Database, Research Bible, ResearchGate, SciFinder, SciLit, SHERPA/RoMEO, Système Universitaire de Documentation (Sudoc), The Library of Congress, Ulrichsweb, WanFang, World Journal Clout Index (2021 STM), Worldcat, Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB)
Publication fee: 453 EUR
JACEN welcomes original research articles, reviews, and short communications with a maximum of 6, 10, and 2 printed pages.
Article type: One Column
Manuscript organization: All manuscripts are expected to be prepared as a single PDF or MS Word document with the complete text, references, tables and figures included. Any revised manuscripts prepared for publication should be sent as a single editable Word document. LaTex paper is also acceptable for publication, but it should be in PDF for review first.
Manuscripts should be written in English. Title, author(s), and affiliations should all be included on a title page as the first page of the manuscript file, followed by a 100-300 word abstract and 3-5 keywords. The order they follow is: Title, Authors, Affiliations, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction.
Figure and table requirement: All figures or photographs must be submitted as jpg or tif files with distinct characters and symbols at 500 dpi (dots per inch). Test your figures by printing them from a personal computer. The online version should look relatively similar to the personal-printer copy. Tables and equations should be in an editable rather than image version. Tables must be edited with Word/Excel. Equations must be edited with Equation Editor. Figures, tables and equations should be numbered and cited as Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, etc. in sequence.
How to count page numbers: Before submission or after acceptance, type your manuscript single spaced, and make all the characters in the text, tables, figure legends, footnotes and references in a single typeface and point size as 10 pt Times New Roman. This will save space, make it easier for reviewers and editors to process the submitted work, and contributes to slowing down global warming by using less paper.
References format: All references should be numbered in square brackets in the text and listed in the REFERENCES section in the order they appear in the text. Below are some examples:
Journal Articles:
[1] García, J.I., Sepúlveda, S. and Noriega-Hoces, L. (2010) Beneficial Effect of Reduced Oxygen Concentration with Transfer of Blastocysts in IVF Patients Older than 40 Years Old. Health, 2, 1010-1017.
[2] Maganioti, A.E., Chrissanthi, H.D., Charalabos, P.C., Andreas, R.D., George, P.N. and Christos, C.N. (2010) Cointegration of Event-Related Potential (ERP) Signals in Experiments with Different Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Conditions. Health, 2, 400-406.
[3] Bootorabi, F., Haapasalo, J., Smith, E., Haapasalo, H. and Parkkila, S. (2011) Carbonic Anhydrase VII—A Potential Prognostic Marker in Gliomas. Health, 3, 6-12.
E-Journal Articles:
[4] Bharti, V.K. and Srivastava, R.S. (2009) Protective Role of Buffalo Pineal Proteins on Arsenic-Induced Oxidative Stress in Blood and Kidney of Rats. Health, 1, 167-172.
[5] Verdu, S. (1998) Multi-User Detection. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Edited Book:
[6] Prasad, A.S. (1982) Clinical and Biochemical Spectrum of Zinc Deficiency in Human Subjects. In: Prasad, A.S., Ed., Clinical, Biochemical and Nutritional Aspects of Trace Elements, Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York, 5-15.
Conference Proceedings:
[7] Clare, L., Pottie, G. and Agre, J. (1999) Self-Organizing Distributed Sensor Networks. Proceedings SPIE Conference Unattended Ground Sensor Technologies and Applications, Orlando, 3713, 229-237.
[8] Heinzelman, W. (2000) Application-Specific Protocol Architectures for Wireless Networks. Ph.D. Dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge.
[9] Honeycutt, L. (1998) Communication and Design Course.
Monograph Publication
Following a publication Partnership with Proud Pen – Open Access Books Publisher- Monograph publication opportunity will be offered to all conference participants. Authors are encouraged to expand their research papers or compile their works into a book so that readers may take advantage of these scientific discoveries as a whole.
Benefits of Publishing an Open Access Monograph
- Open Access lets you reach a worldwide audience.
- Widen your scientific circles with Proud Pen.
- Maintain ownership over your published work.
- Publish a Monograph and Get a unique ISBN and DOI
- Printed books
- Suggest your content in e-Book or hard copy to Libraries
- Publish academic book and have it globally disseminated
- Free typesetting and cover design
Everything You Need to Know to Turn Your Research Paper into A Book or Monograph:
To properly convert your research works into a book or publish a monograph, read here.
The OPEN ACCESS Monograph Publication Fee with Proud Pen is £900, however for the conference participants, the following publication fee will be applied:
- Student: £450
- Regular: £600
Submit your manuscript via the proposal submission form: